Genius Gems NYC School Field Trips: See More Details for the Cost and Experience

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Genius Gems hosts field trips throughout the year, primarily for students in kindergarten through 6th grade. Designed by an experienced educator, our field trips focus on engineering, coding & robots, product design, and more. We would love to work with you to tailor your trip to your specific needs!

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-Constructing strong bridges using magnetic tiles

-Design your own customized Glitter Tile at our Design Bar

-Learn about our 3D printers and how our engineers at Genius Gems are working behind the scenes to create 3D printed parts, projects and our own STEM products!

-For grades 3-6, we'll create a course for robots, learn about Ozobot, the toy design and production process, and more! We'll show you how an engineer takes a product from an idea to a prototype, to eventually a working product.

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-$22 per student for a 1.5 hour program, for a minimum of 15 students, as discussed below. No charge for chaperones. If your school is a designated Title 1 school, we offer a Title 1 discount of $18 per student.

-Pack your own lunch and eat at Genius Gems NYC for an additional 30 minutes, for a total cost of $25 per student ($20 per student for Title 1 Schools). No charge for chaperones.

-If you are unable to pay for the trip in advance or are using a purchase order to pay for the trip, please email us at to approve your trip booking.

Genius Gems does not host field trips on weekends or during holidays.

Field trip pricing is only for schools that are attending a group trip during weekdays hours.

For group pricing during weekends, please email us at Each person attending a visit on a weekend would need a general admission ticket, including adults.

NYC Field Trips for Schools (pay later)
